Developmental check-ups with a Pediatrician throughout your child’s first year of life (at 2, 4, 6, 9, and 12 months) are a perfect place to bring up any concerns you as a parent may have a about your child’s development. While Pediatricians have their own set of developmental red flags, these only hit the “big-bad-uglys” as we like to call them, including the following:
- Is your child rolling by 6 months?
- Is your child sitting independently by 8 months?
- Is your child crawling by 12 months?
- Is your child walking by 18 months?
These red flags are very specific, meaning a child who exhibits these red flags would be identified for services, but not very sensitive, meaning many children who would benefit from therapy services are missed. I have seen many children referred to physical therapy for delayed walking skills, who are not standing independently or didn’t roll consistently until 8 months. To help these children who are being missed by the Pediatricians red flags, I have put together a checklist of things to discuss with your Pediatrician at your child’s 12 month check-up.
Checklist for your child’s 12-month doctor visit:
Gross Motor Skills
- Independently transitions into and out of sitting
- Rolling independently from back to belly, and belly to back, with ease
- Crawling on hands and knees with reciprocal form
- Pulls to stand at stable surface
- Cruises along furniture
Fine Motor Skills
- Begins using pincher grasp (thumb and single finger)
- Transfers objects from one hand to the other
- Places toys into large container, and takes toys out
- Begins holding spoon during feeding
Speech Skills
- At least 1-2 words
- Babbling with constant – vowel combination, ie. ba-ba, ma-ma, da-da
- Labeling object with consistent sounds, ie. ball is always “ba”
- Pays attention to speech around them
- Follows simple commands, ie. “go get the ball”
Take this checklist with you to your 12-month visit. If you have further concerns, schedule a pediatric physical therapy evaluation.