A Pediatric Occupational Therapist shows us 3 things that can help a child with Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) sit and or focus more.
In This Video You Will Learn:
- What a weighted blanket can do
- How a fidget toy can help your child with Sensory Processing Disorder
- What product can help your child sit in a chair
Video Transcription:
Announcer: From Chicago’s leading experts in pediatrics to a worldwide audience, this is Pediatric Therapy TV, where we provide experience and innovation to maximize your child’s potential. Now your host, here’s Robyn.
Robyn: Hello and welcome to Pediatric Therapy TV. I am your host, Robyn Ackerman. Today I’m standing with Lindsay Miller, a pediatric occupational therapist.
Lindsay, can you show us three things that a child may benefit from using who has Sensory Processing Disorder?
Lindsay: Sure. I’ve got to start off with showing you a weighted blanket. A weighted blanket is great for kids with Sensory Processing Disorder who need a lot of movement to function to their maximum ability. I think using a weighted blanket is a great option. It’s basically just a regular blanket that’s much heavier. They can put it on their lap, or when they’re lying down they can put it on top of themselves.
It provides a lot of deep pressure input to their muscles and their joints, which is very calming for the body. It decreases the amount of movement that they need so that they can sit and do homework or play a game, or whatever it is that they need to do.
The next thing is a fidget toy. A fidget toy is also good for kids who like to touch a lot of things or like to move around a lot. It’s a really simple thing. It could be something like a koosh ball or a stress ball. They can keep it in their pocket or hold onto it. It’s to help them have something they can play with and keep their hands busy while they’re doing homework or when they’re supposed to be listening so that they can attend to a task.
Robyn: And those are good for circle time, right?
Lindsay: Yes, great for circle time. It’s also good for when they are in school and they need to be sitting and doing their work. They can have something to play with while they’re writing.
Robyn: Wonderful.
Lindsay: And the other thing is a Move-n-Sit Disc. This is essentially a plastic desk that has a textured side on one side and the other is a little bit smoother. You put it right on their chair and it allows them to wiggle around so that they get the movement that they need instead of wandering away from their chair or rocking in their chair.
Robyn: Great. Thank you so much, Lindsay, and thank you to our viewers. And remember, keep on blossoming.
Announcer: This has been Pediatric Therapy TV, where we bring peace of mind to your family with the best in educational programming. To subscribe to our broadcast, read our blogs, or learn more, visit our website at LearnMore.me. That’s LearnMore.me.