Looking for fun winter activities to do with the kids this season? Sledding is one of the easiest snow-day experiences to learn, especially for young children. With minimal equipment required, there are numerous fitness benefits of sledding. So find the closest hilltop and take that toboggan or flying saucer for a spin!
Find the right hill:
Look for snow-covered hills right outside your home and in your neighborhood parks. Make sure the hills are easy to climb back up, without rocks, trees, or other obstructions that might make the downhill ride dangerous. In the city, make sure you stay clear of roads or areas with cars.
Wear the right clothes:
Bundle your kids up in warm and waterproof clothing that still allows for movement. Snow boots, hats, and gloves are recommended, as well as appropriate eyewear to protect against snow-reflected sunlight and flying wintry mix.
Build a fitness experience the whole family can enjoy:
Climbing uphill can be a real challenge to little bodies, but they will be motivated by the promise of a fun glide down to the bottom of the hill. Sledding works on our endurance, cardiovascular fitness, total body strength (between lugging a sled uphill and walking through snowy terrain), and encourage core stability and control during the fast ride down. Getting up from a tumble in the snow is a lot of work for toddlers and young children, and requires all their big muscle groups.
Being outdoors this winter and sledding will boost little hearts, refresh little minds, and promote teamwork between siblings. This simple, free, and fun activity on a snow-covered hill will be sure to send spirits soaring, and create bonding experiences you and your children will talk about and remember for years to come.